become your customer's favourite brand

If you are thinking about doing your own merch then I've made this for you!

I've tried to fill this pdf guide with useful tips, hints and advice I've learnt from over a decade working in merch and design.

Save yourself from making the same mistakes I've seen a lot of people make when they rush straight into making merch before considering what their customers want.

you have great products and services but you...

Have trouble getting repeat business

Feel like you are always searching for new customers

Want your customers to have a stronger connection with your brand.

You deserve a community of loyal customers

The type of customer that you see regularly

The type of customer that knows your name and you know theirs

The type of customer that loves what you do and wants to help you succeed.

Don't risk wasting your time and money on merch your customers won't want.

The key is to stop and think about what your customers want before you go to print

Merch can be an exciting tool in your brand toolbox. Physical products are a great way to create longer lasting customer value compared to some digital ads. But merch only works if you are intentional.

Learn how to:
• Identify what makes you different
• Clarify who your customers are
• Discover what they like and don't like
• Find inspiration from your customers
• Get your merch in front of the right people